Sunday, October 18, 2015

Cause Hair Style Quick Bald Head

Hello loyal readers, do you know wrong in deployment hairstyle can quickly cause your hair to bald. Surely you don't want experience it? On this occasion we will talk about some hairstyle causes a quick head bald.

hair break off style

First, we will discuss hair styles, hair style chapel is believed potentially cause baldness only in one place, especially if you often bind the hair too tight. The condition for this sort of baldness is the type of traction alopecia caused by the habit of pulling hair too stiff at the stems of the hair that eventually do harm.

According to Doris Day, MD, a dermatologist in New York, the United States, said "this first Condition usually occurs in women who are braiding their hair, which causes baldness and hair loss at the age of thirty or four yearly. Cornrow hair style or braid will remain to be a risk of baldness and other popular hairstyles though, the "

Doctors Day explained, in addition to hairstyles and haircare, styling other processes can set off the onset of baldness on one part of the path, one of them is hair grafting or hair extension. Because, there is a thought that
the thick-haired woman looks natural. Nevertheless, please observe that the connect hair tends to be addictive since it is a great deal done so when will cause baldness.

hair pigtails

In addition Anabel Kingsley, theologian at the Philip Kingsley Trichology Clinic at New York Says "The ballerinas and gymnasts also experience traction alopecia. Interesting hair too tight when in break off or on the belt before wearing head coverings for swimming also cause the same thing on the swimmers , "

According to Kingsley, everyone can have traction alopecia, especially for those who have sparse hair. The reason, a thin hair tends to be weaker, so it does not cover possible damage, loss, or baldness.

But never fear, in order to prevent the occurrence of traction alopecia, then you should frequently change your hairdo. Additionally, reduce hair tie or hair done in a way in braids, in pigtails, or break off. "If hairdo cause you headaches, perhaps your hair is pulled too tight," said Kingsley.

So our discussion about hair styles cause bald head quickly, hopefully you can understand and always keep your hair health.



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