Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Caring Tips For Long Straight Hairstyle

Long hairstyles straight hairstyles is to say the hairstyle trend is not outdated, how does this kind of hairstyle has long been used by the Top model of the world, they'd rather show off their beautiful hair cascading to the gardens. But do you know how take care of straight long hair model? and what if you already have a model short hair but would like to change your hairstyle long hair model towards straight.

Caring Tips For Long Straight Hairstyle

Here is a little tip and trick how can we get beautiful long hair and how to care for hairtype like this.

There are a variety of how to care for long hair or lengthen our hair a few among them are utilizing a special hairdresser salon. Suppose we call it krimbath, the provision of nutrients to hair rebonding, smoothing,. All the above methods can be used, however, to bear in mind the modern technique as above no doubt will cause negative effects for our hair. To this end we have a few tips that may be useful to you.

Tips to make hair longer
There are some tips that you can apply, however we can only say you will not get your dream hairstyle instantly to that required considerable patience.

Caring Tips For Long Straight Hairstyle

The first step
should be the blood circulation in the head. Indirectly the hair also need nutrients forits growth process. These nutrients are obtained from the salurah of blood in the scalpwhich carry oxygen and other substances, nutrients into our scalp. To facilitate blood circulation you can do a simple massage or massage light approximately 15-20 minutes every waking or before going to sleep and remember don't be massaging your hair too hard as this will cause your hair to fall out.

The second step
If the ends of your hair clippers immediately branched ends of your hair are branched,this must be done because the ends of the hair that is dry and usually branchinggradually will spread. In addition the branched ends of the hair will result in hair growthis not smooth.

The third step
Always comb your hair, in addition to aiming a hair straightening can also straightenour hair.

The fourth step
use hair coverings like hats and such if you're in a hot spot and kekring, since it can make your hair dry and branching.

Step five
use after shampooing hair fertilizer efficacious tonics and massage slowly. Tonic hereserves as a reinforcement to the hair roots and accelerate the growth of hair.

The sixth step
do not overuse of electronic tools such as hair-drayer, curling irons. You can use this tool to give a beautiful look to your hair, but don't get too often. Selin was cut downthe use of hair accessories such as rubber for mengucir or hair pins as this will make the hair thus broken and damaged. And the latter do not too often because if you'reshampooing daily will eliminate the nutrients there are in your hair, we recommend that you do wash more or less 2-3 times a week. However, if your hair ishair that is easy and requires you to wash every day then use a bit of condisioner hair,due to use of condisioner is believed to remove dirt in hair and was able to soften thehair.

So some tips in caring for long hair is straight and models for how the way over played or getting long hair for you who have a short haircut. Hopefully this latest hairstyle information giving you the latest insight to take care of your hair in order to appear with beautiful and gorgeous.



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