Monday, August 17, 2015

7 Things Before Coloring Hair at Salon

Want to dye the hair in the salon? Before you're interested in hair coloring salon is a good idea to refer to this explanation in advance.

7 things before Coloring Hair at Salon

When you visit a salon or beauty outlets, experts hair dye from the United States gave advice to do the following before coloring hair. The following seven tips you can apply so as not to waste time, comfortable and certainly got the desired results in accordance with.

1. Be honest with Your hair history

"If your hair is never colored or pass through the process of with other chemicals, as our team of beauty parlors and salons need to know," said Kyle White, a hair dye from the Oscar Blandi Salon in New York. According to White, the client needs to be honest with her history, because it is influencing factors of matching hair dye formulas and used.

2. Come with sample photos

White suggested for those of you who like to hair coloring to do research beforehand. Find the sample photos that have a skin color and eye color like you. Bring examples of real pictures can give you an idea that the color that you want to apply to your hair

3. Do not move much

Hill repeatedly confronts clients who cannot be silent, whether it's moving to drink coffee, read a magazine, make a call or even air-selfie and busy with his gadgets. "If you do the movement too much, especially on the head, then the results obtained will be a mess. The color of the highlight could be misplaced and shifts, "said Hill.

4. Do not disturb the hair dye expert

A great one if for you to invite experts or dye your hair clippers chat endlessly. According to Hill, coloring and cutting out hair is a complex procedure and requires high concentration. If the client invites talk continuously, thus in fact can interfere with his work. Speaking at the beginning and notice before the process is highly recommended that the experts concentrate more when workmanship.

5. Take time and realistic

"If you have black colored hair tends to be dark and then want to be transformed into a super blonde shade-light within an hour, it is highly improbable," said Hill. If nobody can estimate the time to good use, please, please get the best results.

6. Protect your hair from Sun

"Hair color oxidizes if not protected and without adequate protection. Use hats or head scarves to keep out the sunlight during your stay in the area. "I am tired of hearing clients complain about the color of his hair, which was changed after prolonged exposure to the Sun. It actually could have been avoided as long as there is a desire to protect ourselves from it, "Hill's shot.

7. Do not wear expensive clothing and white

Celebrity hair dye expert, Curry Hill says, "when a woman comes with hair coloringdress white, automatically makes me so nervous!". Rather than hit with a splash of paint or other fluids, choose clothing that is easy, practical and comfortable.

That's 7 things you should remember Before Coloring Hair at Salon, may be helpedand good luck.



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